From exploring unmet social needs in Singapore, to documenting the landscapes of social finance and corporate philanthropy in Southeast Asia, our researchers translate discovery into meaningful, measurable impact that is changing the world for the better.
The Hunger Report Part II: Targeting Specific…
The Hunger Report Part II: Targeting Specific Needs in the Wake of COVID-19 is the second iteration of a nationally representative on food insecurity in Singapore, The Hunger Report, which…
The Hunger Report: An In-Depth Look at Food…
The Hunger Report: An In-Depth Look at Food Insecurity in Singapore is the first nationally representative study on food insecurity in Singapore that aims to document the extent, severity,…
Hunger In A Food Lover's Paradise:…
The mention of Singapore often conjures up images of a food lover’s nation with easy access to abundant and delicious food of all types. However, the underbelly of the Singapore…
Crisis and Connection: Unpacking Singapore's…
COVID-19 has bridged a longstanding disconnect between Singapore’s resident and migrant populations, showing that the health and well-being of everyone are linked in a pandemic. This paper…
Understanding Needs of Youth At-Risk in Singapore
Commissioned by Caritas Singapore, this research project investigates the needs of youth at-risk from the perspectives of social service providers and the youths themselves. It uses the…
Vital Yet Vulnerable: Mental And Emotional Health…
Numbering nearly one million persons, low-waged, low-skilled migrant workers are a vital yet vulnerable part of Singapore's economy and society. This study, undertaken several months before the…
Elderly Population in Singapore: Understanding…
Who are Singapore's low-income elderly? What makes some resilient in the face of multiple challenges? What are their social needs that might be filled by additional interventions via civil society or…
People with Physical Disabilities in Singapore:…
This publication explores the challenges faced by people with disabilities in various stages and spheres of life. It draws on in-depth interviews with 100 people with disabilities on their needs and…
Single-Parent Families in Singapore:…
This publication documents the unmet social needs of single-parent families in Singapore. It specifically focuses on four key areas; employment and finance, housing, social networks and time poverty…
Unmet Social Needs In Singapore: Singapore’s…
Despite basic social needs in Singapore being essentially met through direct government interventions and the contributions of non-governmental social service activities, there are today some…